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AUTEFA Hydraulic Pump, type 610-424, 100 hp.
Item Number11889
MachineAUTEFA Hydraulic Pump, type 610-424, 100 hp.
DescriptionDruck 170 Bar, Vickers valves, Reliance 100 hp, 460v, 1785 rpm, 111 amp. Hydraulic reservoir tank no longer available. Reliance Duty Master AC XE Motor, 100 hp 460v 3/60, 1785 rpm, 163 amp each, frame 405TD. Motor has 3 pumps as follows: VOITH Pump 1: N/A but could be Model 588809511, Type 1 PH-6-111, 315 bar pressure, 2500 gpm. VOITH Pump 2: N/A but could be Model 588809511, Type 1 PH /6-100, 300 bar pressure, 2500 gpm. VOITH Pump 3: Model 588809511, Type 1 PH 6/6/5-125/125/64/311, 300 bar pressure, 2500 gpm. Previously used as prepress pumping unit on Autefa Unibox 500 ton Press, 1993 yr, type 329-5. Hydraulic cylinders also available separately.
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AUTEFA Hydraulic Pump, type 610-424, 100 hp.
AUTEFA Hydraulic Pump, type 610-424, 100 hp.  AUTEFA Hydraulic Pump, type 610-424, 100 hp.  AUTEFA Hydraulic Pump, type 610-424, 100 hp.  AUTEFA Hydraulic Pump, type 610-424, 100 hp.

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